Thursday, May 14, 2009

Brutto, Johannesburg.

Name: Brutto
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Age: 34
Profession: Chef
Sexuality: Gay
Heritage: Caucasian

"What's not to like? Its a great toy... and it never needs
batteries.... Also love the fact I am a grow-er and not a
show-er.... always a great surprise..."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Assistant Editor, Cape Town.

Name: Assistant Editor

Location: Cape Town, South Africa.

Age: 25

Profession: Photographer

Sexuality: Gay

Heritage: Latino

“I think in some ways my cock is a little unexpected. I’m a pretty short guy, so I like that it’s a decent size and thickness. I’ve also got a pretty big head, which gets fatter and darker the harder I get. And it shoots really far—often over my head—which is always an impressive finish.”

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kevin, Bloemfontein

Name: Kevin Starke

Location: Bloemfontein

Age: 29

Profession: Accountant

Sexuality: Bisexual

Heritage: Wit Boerseun/ White Boer’s son


“Ek hou van die feit dat my voelvel af is sodat jy die aare op hom kan sien uitbult as hy gereed is vir aksie.  Ek glo ook 'n voel moet ge"manicure" word deur hom 'n aangepaste haarstyl te gee.  Selfs 'n klein voel kan groot lyk met die regte kapsel....en met die stelling verwys ek natuurlik nie na myself nie.”


“I like the fact that there is no foreskin so you can see the veins bulging when he’s ready for action. I also believe a voël needs to be manicured and given some styling. Even a smaller voël can look bigger with the right hairdo… and with that statement I obviously do not refer to myself.” 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Johny, Centurion.

Name: Johny
Location: Centurion
Age: 35
Profession: Florist
Sexuality: Gay
Heritage: Afrikaans White

"I love that my cock can fit anywhere. Too big, may hurt; too small, can't feel a thing."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tyron, Bryanston.

Name: Tyron
Location: Bryanston, Gauteng, South Africa
Age: 36
Profession: Manager
Sexuality: Gay
Heritage: White - English

"Can't live without the little man"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Burny, Cape Town.

Name: Burny
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Age: 33
Profession: IT / Admin
Sexuality: Gay
Heritage: Caucasian

"I like the thickness and size of the head. Enjoy being cut and holding and playing with it."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Johnboy, Strand.

Name: Johnboy
Location: Strand, Western Cape, South Africa
Age: 42
Profession: Manager
Sexuality: Gay
Heritage: White Afrikaans

"He's my best friend, and always gives me pleasure."